About Us

The name Dika College or fondly known as Dika is derived from the proverbial Malay term “Didikan Kanak Kanak”, meaning to educate young children. Incepted in 2003 on a vision and driven by dedication, Dika’s success with the education of young children, has paved the way for the institution to navigate and affect the functions of education with greater breadth and depth. The Dika commitment to education has and will always be navigated by the belief that an endearing and collaborative bond with our students forms the impetus that empowers 21st century global citizens.

Guided by our vision “Inspire to Aspire”, Dika is unyielding in our commitment to enrich students with the wisdom that cultivates and nurtures progressive academic aptitudes and character attitudes. Built on a foundation of industry-based-learning and research, and strengthened through dynamic and vibrant teacher-student relationships; our academic curriculums instill professional competency and social confidence. Complementing this is our energetic engagement in academic and industry discourse to make certain our programmes embody industry benchmarks.

Dika’s industry-relevant curriculum has augured well for our graduate employability, which registers an annual average of 90 percent or higher. Our alumnus are quick to scale the career spectrum, either by assuming higher roles and positions; or by proving themselves adept to a wide gamut of roles within the education industry. Dika’s early childhood education graduates are part of the top 20 percent qualified early childhood educators in the country; and our special education graduates are highly regarded as the nation’s special needs education professionals.

In going forward, Dika continues to join forces with our stakeholders to affect positive change in our communities. These initiatives are led by many of our alumnus who have been inspired by their education experience, and in turn, are aspiring to be the change they wish to see. We want to walk alongside these trailblazers of change and through synergistic initiatives, create empowering opportunities that will make the world a better place. These are exciting times and Dika is thrilled to be part of the shining opportunities that are waiting to be discovered.

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